sysTRAX™ is a fully modular high capacity rolling track system for temporary roof and scaffolds enabling stock to be utilised in a wide range of ways.
Historically, installing a high capacity runway required numerous supports, loose couplers, and scaffold tubes. sysTRAX™ is designed to integrate perfectly into modular scaffolds and is connected using simple, high capacity pins. This enables logical and rapid assembly of all parts. Rolling roof supports are subjected to both horizontal and vertical loads.
sysTRAX™ has a unique innovative rolling support allowing elimination of horizotal loads, ease of installation, whilst maintaining unrivalled vertical load capacity. Unlike triangualar truss runway beams, sysTRAX™ maintains capacity at all locations along its length with no weak points between nodes. By virtue of its top flange, it has integrated anti-uplift as standard, and when not in use stacks away efficiently due to its component size, unlike triangular trusses, which require large amounts of truck and yard space to transport and store.
sysTRAX™ is a fully steel system, robust, long lasting, reliable in use and offers unrivalled technical capability.